
Data & AI

Data is our DnA

Data & Analytics

Data is the fuel of digitalisation and artificial intelligence

This is why we stand behind our mission statement ‘Data is our DnA’, the driver of all our projects each and every day. The topic of data and analytics is of particular relevance to many companies. However, many of them lack the right strategy and required expertise to make the collected data usable.

We already assist our customers in both of these areas using our own methods and highly developed expertise in a wide range of technologies. We design efficient data & analytics processes and support you as independent consultants with our own methods and highly developed technological expertise.

We live in the age of big data

Huge amounts of data accumulate in nearly all areas. More and more companies want to do more than just collect this data and prepare it for reporting; they want to extract added value from it through advanced analytics. This includes the acquisition of helpful knowledge about market conditions, the promotion of cross/up-selling, or forecasting and decision-making based on this data. Our aim is to generate a competitive advantage for you from your collected data.

In modern data & analytics projects, the requirements for communication with the respective departments are precisely determined, the data platform is integrated and provided, and the data volumes are analysed and evaluated. In this way, we guarantee you detailed insights into the data and enable future forecasts.

The use of AI methods, such as machine learning or deep learning, is an important foundation for these kinds of forecasts. Get the most out of our services in this area, which are designed to meet specific needs as the integration of big data platforms and data science solutions continues to increase. Our wide range of data and analytics services covers a combination of business engineering and the provision of data platforms – structured as a data warehouse or semi-structured as a data lake – and the related area of ‘data science’.

We are familiar with the most common technologies on the market and provide our customers with end-to-end support in data & analytics. We develop your DnA strategy together with our business engineers, who are specialised in specific industries. Our consultants have the required expertise of different business processes ranging from for example financial or logistics.

In terms of data management and big data engineering, we construct large, modern data platforms, such as data warehouse, data lake or hybrid scenarios, and operationalise them with or for our customers. If the data is available, we use specific methods from the field of data science and advanced analytics to perform an AI-based evaluation. Our experts identify suitable use cases, develop them in the DataLab and operationalise them on the appropriate data platform.

Our services in Data & Analytics

Data science and analytics Data management Analytics Platform Framework Business engineering Corporate performance management

Analytics Platform Framework

The integration, preparation and provision of heterogeneous data is the focus of our Analytics Platform Framework. We support you in specifying and building a suitable analytics architecture, as well as in smoothly integrating existing data warehouse and data lake systems into your strategic platform. In doing so, we consider technological, process-related and organisational aspects in order to create a platform together with you that suits you and your corporate and IT strategy.

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Business engineering

Our business engineering combines expertise and technology in your data & analytics projects. Regardless of the technology used and the industry context, our business engineers are characterised by their special ability to build communicative and organisational bridges between specialist areas and IT.

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Corporate performance management

Companies are facing major challenges and are subject to intense competitive pressure and highly competitive markets. Corporate performance management ensures that your management receives the information it needs to make important and targeted decisions.

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Data management

Successful data management is essential for data-driven business models and artificial intelligence (AI). You can only exploit your competitive advantage if the corresponding data is available, the data quality is suitable and manual work is kept to a minimum. With our comprehensive data management services, we support you throughout the entire project lifecycle to keep you on track right from the start.

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Data science and analytics

As costs and competitive pressure continue to grow, it is important to be quick, proactive and accurate when making decisions within the company. Business intelligence is the foundation of useful data. When combined with predictive analytics, data science allows you to gain detailed insights into your data and make forecasts for the future.

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Identify and exploit the value of each piece of information

Data Driven Enterprise

Data is the key to everything, whether that be in global supply chains or on local sales markets. Without it, generative AI, intelligent automation and reliable forecasts would not be possible in the first place. Find out what long-term added value a data-driven enterprise has to offer.

Artificial Intelligence

Learn about AI in a way that is needed for your work - detailed enough to see connections and potential, compact enough not to get lost in details.

Learn more about:

  • the role the technologies actually play in practice
  • the potential that lies in the applications
  • AI topics that are of concern to those in charge
  • the perspective of different industries on AI

We would like to give you a feeling on how AI solutions can help you achieve your goals. Our studies, articles, interviews or events round out the picture. But no website can replace a personal conversation about your requirements and our competencies. We look forward to the dialogue with you.

Our technology stack

Strategic partnerships and technological expertise for your success

We focus on our customers’ data and design solutions through cross-technology consulting. In doing so, we take into account the most important manufacturers in the data & analytics environment. These include SAS, SAP, Microsoft, talend and cloudera, as well as the multitude of open source solutions in the field of data science.

Take advantage of our strategic partnerships and years of technological experience.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.

Contact us