Generative AI

From idea to implementation

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is set to change our business lives just as much as the internet or mobile business. Today, companies of all sizes and from all sectors are laying the foundation for the effective use of this technology in their business.

Are you eager to welcome GenAI to your company?

Our survey of 400 managers in Germany gives a clear result. Experiments with individual GenAI applications need to result in integrated projects.

We have compiled answers to the questions that companies are asking themselves today. They include the search for possible applications, the development of GenAI applications and implementation of these in the company’s own processes. Our 23-page dossier gives you the information you need.

To the study

Strong partnerships to ensure

your success

We work together with a large number of top-rate companies in order for us to be able to offer you a wide variety of options. These partnerships are the key to the success of a project, because they allow us to offer you customised solutions quickly and reliably at any time.

Corporate GPT

From the final offer to the current travel policy, any information found at the company can be requested using simple chats. In other words, you do not search for documents; you communicate with them.

Software development

Shorter development times and higher quality: GenAI is there to assist your development teams.

Hyperpersonalisation in customer communication

Personalised communication is possible with thousands of customers at one time. It is targeted not at one specific group, rather it addresses one particular person.

Service task automation

Day or night, GenAI can offer your customers immediate support with whatever topic may interest them.

GenAI Use Cases

Do you have any questions? Get in touch!


Support for marketing and sales

Whether you are talking about texts or images, GenAI can lend a hand to your marketing or sales team when they are creating communication material.

GenAI Knowledge Agent

The knowledge agent and process companion for your content. GenAI Knowledge Agent solutions make it possible to curate fragmented knowledge sources using a semantic search function. This makes knowledge available precisely and transparently.

GenAI Document Processing

Intelligent document processing solutions work as supporting or fully automated process companions. The extraction of relevant information from documents enables the automated processing and analysis of large volumes of information.

Data-based next-best-action decisions

GenAI enables public messages to be analysed in real time. These analyses form the basis for a targeted customer approach and customer development.

Our references

Our GenAI references give you an impression of our daily work and provide you with insights into various AI projects in which we have supported our customers.

Do you have any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.

Contact us