Press Releases
Comment: Oh, it’s moving! Autonomous vehicles on the streets of Germany (Author: Prof. Dr Volker Gruhn)
Even the longest journey begins with a single step. Or, in the case of autonomous vehicles, the first short trip. Surprisingly, autonomous driving is beginning to pick up some speed: The German government has recently proposed a raft of new laws on the use of autonomous vehicles on the roads. If the Bundesrat, the upper body of the German parliament, approves the legislation, autonomous vehicles could be used on selected sections of road by as early as 2022.
Plenty of room for improvement: one in two say their company needs to catch up when it comes to AI
Which AI projects have companies already implemented? What are their plans? Where do they see the greatest obstacles in their businesses? And what potential do they think the technology might have? This year, the IT service provider adesso asked nearly 1,000 decision makers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for their thoughts on artificial intelligence. The most important finding? Half are not convinced of their companies’ AI capabilities.
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