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Eco-friendly and successful: 10 ways to use IT more sustainably

The latest Sustainability Transformation Monitor 2024 (STM) recently confirmed the growing importance of sustainability strategies for companies. Over 75 per cent of respondents stated that sustainability has become much more important to them. Company managers are no longer asking themselves whether they should act sustainably, but how they can best do so. The reasons are obvious. Sustainable practices make it easier for companies to meet regulatory requirements and prepare for future market changes.

Sustainable working also increases efficiency and thus reduces costs in the long term. At the same time, it boosts a company’s image. Environmentally conscious customers feel more noticed. The survey also shows that recruiting aspects and employee satisfaction should not be underestimated in this context. When it comes to identifying with a company, young employees attach great importance to its attitude towards sustainability.

The environmental impact of IT solutions is already a relevant problem today and will continue to grow in the future. According to the Öko-Institut, annual emissions of two tonnes of CO2 per capita would be just about climate-friendly. In reality, the average German emits 12 tonnes per year, 850 kilograms of which come from the use of digital solutions alone. Focussing more on the topic of digital sustainability is therefore worthwhile.

Yelle Lieder, GreenIT Lead at adesso SE (Source: adesso)

Just in time for European Sustainability Week and the German Sustainability Action Days, expert Yelle Lieder, Green IT Lead at adesso, gives companies ten tips on how to improve their carbon footprint in using digital tools.

1. Data minimisation

An IT infrastructure is like a minimalist work of art – every superfluous file is like a distracting blob on the canvas. Regularly deleting unnecessary files, uninstalling unused applications and strictly organising incoming emails transform IT into a lean, energy-efficient masterpiece. Every saved file consumes energy, so it’s time to declutter and save.

2. Optimise email usage

Emails are the silent energy guzzlers in everyday digital life. They cause quite a bit of server load. Business can drive down data traffic through targeted measures, such as unsubscribing from unnecessary newsletters or carefully selecting recipient groups. Compressed attachments or cloud solutions such as OneDrive or Dropbox also help to minimise the load on digital infrastructure and reduce energy consumption.

3. Device energy savings

Devices left on standby are like sleeping vampires that secretly suck electricity. They should be switched off completely, as people often underestimate their cumulative electricity consumption. Frequent employee training and reminders are simple and effective measures to raise awareness in everyday working life.

4. Hardware maintenance

Regular care and maintenance can help extend the service life of devices. Protective covers, for example, offer additional protection against damage. Defective devices should also be repaired or, if this is not possible, responsibly recycled or donated. This helps companies significantly reduce electronic waste.

5. Choosing sustainable technology

Consciously opting for eco-friendly digital tools can be a decisive factor. Companies should check the environmental standards of vendors and favour products with low energy consumption and recyclable materials. By doing this, they encourage the use of environmentally friendly solutions and set an example for a sustainable future.

6. Reusing data

Why reinvent the wheel? Efficiency is the key to sustainability. Existing digital content and resources can often be reused, which can significantly reduce resource consumption. Companies can share presentations and documents internally to avoid duplication of work and unnecessary use of energy.

7. Virtualisation and cloud solutions

Virtualisation and cloud solutions increase the efficiency of IT infrastructure – especially in data centres that use renewable energy. This can significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

8. Energy consumption optimisation

It is a good idea to continuously monitor the energy consumption of IT systems. This helps reveal inefficient processes. Regular updates and optimisation of these processes can reduce energy consumption in the long term.

9. Promoting mobility and remote working

Promoting remote working and decentralised working models does not just offer more flexibility to employees. It also means less travelling. And less travelling means less CO2 emissions – a benefit for everyone.

10. Sustainable procurement

The procurement of IT equipment and services can also be an area of sustainable action. Companies should give preference to suppliers who are committed to environmentally friendly practices and are therefore also mindful of their customers’ ecological footprint.

“Sustainability is the key to long-term success for companies”, says Lieder. “Over the next 20 years, initiatives such as the European Green Deal and the German Climate Protection Act will mean ever stricter emission limits and increased reporting obligations. These will require innovative solutions and a change in behaviour in professional and private life. Acting now is a responsible business move”.

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