adesso Blog

What for a long time were only visions of the future can now be used in business practice. The use of AI in the SAP CX Suite solutions takes customer experiences and business processes to a new level. In addition to text and data processing, users have a wide range of functions at their disposal that enable increased efficiency and scalability. It is no longer just a matter of making AI-supported decisions, but of automating routine tasks in all areas of business and thus becoming more productive. The use of AI offers various advantages for optimising processes and reducing costs.

SAP CX for end-to-end customer experience

The end-to-end approach of the SAP CX Suite includes the integration of various modules such as Commerce Cloud, Sales and Service Cloud, Emarsys and Customer Data Cloud. These modules work together to cover all aspects of customer interaction from marketing and sales to service and customer data management. This integrated solution ensures an end-to-end and consistent customer experience that helps companies to work more efficiently and strengthen customer relationships in the long term.

More power through AI

In the SAP CX environment, AI offers considerable potential for getting more out of company data and accelerating or simplifying business processes. There are already ready-made solutions based on AI technology:

  • Predictive: AI and ML technology that analyses CX and ERP data to predict future customer behaviour and provide personalised recommendations.
  • Generative: Accelerating lead-to-cash processes and tasks by quickly generating or summarising text in SAP CX solutions.
  • Conversational: Improving the customer experience and reducing personnel costs through chatbot assistance.

But how exactly can marketing, sales, service and e-commerce teams be supported by proactive and contextual AI?


Emarsys uses AI algorithms to thoroughly analyse large amounts of data and create precise customer profiles. These profiles enable companies to personalise their marketing strategies and target the individual needs and preferences of their customers. AI also helps with the automation of marketing campaigns, such as optimising the timing of emails or creating dynamic content. This leads to greater efficiency in the marketing process and helps to increase customer satisfaction and improve conversion rates. Further examples of functionalities are

  • Generation of subject lines based on the content of the email campaign
  • Generation of block content
  • AI customer segmentation
  • Optimisation of the accuracy of email campaigns

AI enables a more accurate analysis of customer behaviour and preferences based on purchase history and search behaviour, which in turn leads to a more personalised user experience. AI-supported recommendation systems and dynamic pricing can be used to create personalised offers. In addition, AI automates repetitive tasks such as managing inventory data and optimising stock levels and improves catalogue and product searches, resulting in more efficient operations and higher customer satisfaction. It also enables:

  • AI image recognition
  • Generate product descriptions
  • Generate blog posts
  • Generate social media posts
Sales and service

The Sales and Service Cloud v2 offers a variety of new useful functions for responding to customer enquiries based on reliable company data. Significant time is saved by generating emails and case summaries of customer interactions that eliminate the need to review past activity. In addition, the Lead Booster enables sales staff to access a company's most important information centrally and quickly and use it for the sales process. Other features include

  • Evaluation of leads and opportunities
  • Next Best Actions
  • Generation of questions for discovery calls
  • Support with appointment scheduling
  • Intelligent follow-up emails after meetings
SAP Joule

SAP Joule is an innovative, generative AI assistant that is integrated into the SAP Cloud Enterprise platform. Its task is to provide proactive and contextualised insights from SAP solutions and third-party sources. Joule is designed to accelerate access to company data, enable intelligent analyses and optimise business processes. Joule was developed for various SAP applications such as human resources, finance and customer management to provide users with fast and intelligent answers through natural language queries.

Become an AI expert with adesso

The application areas of AI in SAP CX are diverse and create numerous success scenarios for daily use. This blog post was a cross-section of SAP's most important AI functions, but it only provides a small insight into a large number of other features. To get to know more functions and get the best out of existing CX solutions, adesso as an AI sparring partner helps to gain an overview and exploit all potential market advantages. Improvements in the areas of sales, service, marketing and e-commerce can sustainably strengthen customer loyalty and increase efficiency. For companies today, it is essential to deal with AI and to strengthen internal processes through the use of AI in order to remain competitive in the long term. Adesso is an experienced AI partner that can look back on many years of experience in the field of GenAI. Work with us to find out how the existing functions can already have a positive impact on your business today. In addition, we define further use cases together, which we then evaluate and integrate. We proceed as follows in a joint workshop:

  • 1. Understand what GenAI can be used for: Find out what capabilities GenAI has and which processes and activities can be improved with it.
  • 2. Inspiration from existing AI solutions in SAP CX: practical applications of standard SAP functionalities will be presented in the workshop as easy-to-implement measures.
  • 3. Identification of opportunities with GenAI: brainstorming to develop future scenarios.
  • 4. Detailed ideas for use cases: detailing of promising use cases, taking into account business, technical and ethical dimensions.
  • 5. Prioritisation of the use cases for further action: Comparison of detailed use cases based on relevant criteria such as time-to-market and prioritisation of next steps.

A look into the future

The possible applications of generative AI are diverse and offer different advantages depending on the area of application and objective. A number of functions are also still on the roadmap within the SAP CX Suite. Companies should be keen to experiment and identify the best use cases for their specific needs. The integration of generative AI into business processes promises to optimise workflows and increase efficiency. As we continue to expand the possibilities of AI, we should still ensure that its use promotes the well-being of all while strengthening the human factor.

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Picture Kim Wesche

Author Kim Wesche

As a business developer in the Digital Experience division at adesso, Kim supports customers across all industries in optimising the use of modules from the SAP Customer Experience Suite. The focus here is on a professional and convincing solution definition.

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