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adesso BLOG


User experience is the key to a satisfied customer. Unfortunately, providing a budget for this ‘key’ always seems to be too big a hurdle for managers who are interested in numbers. I would therefore like to present some UX KPIs (User Experience Key Performance Indicators) here that show, based on numbers, how UX can be measured and what these key figures reveal. This may convince more number fans to invest in UX in the future.

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02.06.2021 By Dr. Zeljko Dzunic and Matthias Proschinger

Low code and AI: the next big step in the AI adoption strategy – part 1


The field of artificial intelligence is arguably the biggest technological driver of the future, but projects often fail due to the complexity of their implementation or a lack of experts. In the first part of this blog series, we take a look at how low-code platforms as a disruptive innovation in software development can make adopting AI easier and show you two use cases to demonstrate how this technology is contributing to the ‘democratisation of AI’.

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Inside adesso

27.05.2021 By Ines Weigel

Usability and colour

Picture Ines Weigel

Colours have significant meaning in our lives and trigger feelings and emotions in us, making them a key factor when designing the user experience. The choice of colour can also influence the behaviour and decisions of users. In my blog post, I explain the role of colour contrasts, certain symbols and the visual hierarchies.

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Moving house might mean you have to change your doctor. But doctors need information about their new patients. Does that mean you have to arduously collect documents such as doctor’s letters, X-rays and hospital discharge reports? Is that particular doctor still practicing? Or will you have to go through all of the examinations all over again – possibly at great expense? Isn’t there a digital solution for medical records here?

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Digital Experience

For many companies, digital marketing is an excellent way to reach their target groups. Making contact with potential customers is valuable. But how do you convert prospects into customers? With the help of a well-developed lead funnel! This has the specific objective of generating leads, that is, making contact with a potential customer and/or getting their contact information.

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Digital Experience

e-commerce in 2021 should feel easy and smart and not make customers want to abandon their shopping baskets as a result of pointless media disruptions and regulations. In this blog post, I explain the advantages of a digital experience platform and why companies need to impress their customers with seamless customer experiences.

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Digitalisation, transformation and agility are appearing on many organisations’ agendas more and more. But quite a number of these organisations aren’t sure what digitalisation means for them. In my blog post, I present the strategy requirements, the various fields of action and the success factors needed to ensure that an organisation’s transformation project succeeds.

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Inside adesso

During the first lockdown, Jon Bailey, a former British sailor, received a lot of attention – including from me – on social media platform Twitter after his tips for working from home went viral. Admittedly, that was quite a while ago and most people have more or less become used to the ‘new normal’ since then. Having said that, there’s no getting away from the fact that the days spent working at home all seem to blend into one and we jump at the chance to add a little variety to our routine. In this post, I’d like to share some of Bailey’s tips with you, as well as some personal recommendations from my colleagues at adesso. Who knows, maybe you’ll come across a tip or two that will help you emerge from the subaquatic world of working from home.

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Inside adesso

The issue of sustainability is appearing in more and more media headlines and is becoming increasingly important in society as a whole. That’s why it’s also becoming increasingly important for companies to make conscious and considerate use of the resources they employ to ensure they meet the demands of all of their stakeholders (customers, employees and investors). In my blog post, I present four perspectives that companies can use to achieve their sustainability goals.

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