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adesso BLOG


Digitalisation and cross-hospital and cross-network working are of utmost importance in the hospital world. Above all, it is essential to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this blog post, we explain how this can be achieved and describe the solutions we offer to support hospitals.

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Digital Experience

Often, there is no consensus on how exactly a lead is defined and who follows it up and when. But this is precisely what is important for companies that are looking to introduce professional lead management. In my blog post, I introduce you to the key terms used in the lead management process and show you when leads should ideally be handed over from Marketing to Sales.

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In recent months, there have been many innovations in the market for self-service BI tools. In this way, innovative software products are making it possible to expand the user base of analytics applications. Our customers have also become aware of this development, which has led to us being commissioned to carry out a corresponding tool comparison. In our blog post, we would like to briefly describe the procedure used for this tool evaluation and then present the data preparation tools from the shortlist (Alteryx, Trifacta and Microsoft Power BI Dataflows) in more detail.

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14.07.2021 By Dr. Zeljko Dzunic and Matthias Proschinger

Low code and AI: the next big step in the AI adoption strategy – part 2


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the biggest technological driver of the future, but projects often fail due to the complexity of their implementation or a lack of experts. In the first part of this series, we tried to answer the question of how low-code platforms can facilitate AI adoption. In this part, we will now take look at intelligent process automation – a combination of different technologies: artificial Intelligence, low code and robotic process automation (RPA). What are the advantages of using this combination? Using a well-known use case with SAP, we will introduce you to the advantages of intelligent process automation to optimise workflows.

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Inside adesso

Many people have the feeling or perception that time is racing by. Why is that? In my blog post, I’d like to share my experiences from my time at adesso so far with you, explain how I managed to decelerate my life and give you some tips on how you can do the same.

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Inside adesso

You would think that by now companies would’ve become familiar with social media and use it as a matter of course. However, there are some things that are still being done wrong or neglected, even by long-established players. In my blog post, I’d like to point out the most common mistakes that I encounter time and again when analysing companies’ social media.

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To ensure that AI initiatives don’t fall short of their objectives, insurance providers need to take a holistic approach that also includes people – both customers and employees. As I’ve mentioned in a few of my previous blog posts, there are quite a number of challenges involved in deploying AI-based systems. This blog post deals with the specifics of the approach and how it differs from traditional projects. I will not go into regulatory aspects in this post.

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Digital Experience

Decision-makers in marketing need a promising solution portfolio to align their processes as closely as possible to the customer journey of their customers. To achieve this, internal and external systems should be able to ‘communicate’ smoothly in the background so that the customer takes away only one thing in the end: the perfect customer experience. In my blog post, I explain why interoperability is a factor for success and what role a digital experience platform plays.

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The company pension scheme is promoted by the German Act to Strengthen Occupational Pensions (Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz, BRSG) of 2018. Employers are obliged to support their employees in building up a pension by making a contribution towards their deferred compensation. Previously, this contribution was only obligatory for new policies dated 1 January 2019 or later. As of 1 January 2022, employers will be obliged to pay this subsidy for all existing pension scheme policies. What challenges do insurance companies and pension providers have to face? And how can these be overcome? I’ll explain how in this blog post.

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