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adesso BLOG


The energy industry is in a state of upheaval: decentralisation, renewable energies and digitalisation are shaping the future. In this dynamic phase, adesso and CURSOR Software AG are setting an example with their partnership. Together, they offer energy suppliers tailor-made solutions for the digital transformation. In this blog post, I will explain exactly what this partnership is all about.

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Software Development

If you have been around in tech for a while, like me, especially in the consultancy sector, you will notice one thing. Sooner rather than later, you are flown in as a consultant to help with a migration of a kind. Or a migration is part of the project that doesn’t cover your specialty but will impact your work on one point while working on the project.

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15.10.2024 By Milena Fluck and Daniel van der Wal

Creativity – Creative potential – Part 2


In the first part of the blog post, we showed what creativity is, which stages it goes through and how it has developed. In this part, we will take a look at the role of people and their creative potential in the creative process.

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14.10.2024 By Thomas Zühlke

Cloudy with a chance of apps

Picture Thomas Zühlke

The path to the cloud is diverse, the goals are often unclear, and each customer is at a different point on their journey and brings their own corporate culture with them. These are just a few of the typical challenges our customers face. With our adesso process model, we address precisely these hurdles and support our customers in migrating applications to the cloud, modernising applications or developing new cloud-native applications.

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10.10.2024 By Milena Fluck and Daniel van der Wal

Generative Natural Intelligence – Creativity: What is it? – Part 1


What is creativity and is it an exclusively human ability? In view of the advances in generative AI, the question arises again: can machines be creative? Before answering this question, let's delve into the different facets of creativity. In the first part of our blog post, we show what creativity is, which stages it goes through and how it has developed throughout history.

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For more than 24 years, Adobe Experience Manager has been a leading content management system. But it is only in recent years that Node.js and npm have been seamlessly integrated into the Adobe framework. This naturally opens up new possibilities. One of them is the Stencil framework. In this blog post, I will explain why we integrated it into the new BVB website as part of a customer project for Borussia Dortmund and why it is an ideal addition to Adobe Experience Manager.

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SAP is aggressively marketing Clean Core. What is new about it, how does it differ from previous standardisation goals? The blog post provides a compact insight into the topic of Clean Core and shows the approach adesso is taking to successfully establish the approach in organisations.

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Digital Experience

I have been following a driver's workday with a telematics app. In my blog post, I show how innovative technology facilitates workflows and saves time. Find out how direct interaction with users provides important insights for improving the user experience and why real user experiences are essential for successful app development.

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Do you want to convince your customers of your offer and be remembered in the long term? In this blog post, you'll learn how to design a successful pitch. Find out why the ‘why’ is so important, how to use storytelling to evoke emotions and highlight USPs. Get inspired and discover how to make every pitch a success with clear visualisations, interactions and targeted preparation!

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