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adesso BLOG

Digital Experience

Is it still a major challenge these days to make digital services equally accessible to everyone without anyone being disadvantaged? Let's find out what digital accessibility means, who it helps and why this topic should be focussed on even more.

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Digital Experience

The new blog series presents results of the current adesso study "What online shoppers want and companies offer": Parallel to the 1,000 end consumers, we also asked 373 companies what they do in marketing and sales to ensure that online shoppers like to shop. The result was an exciting comparison that revealed a number of gaps. The blog series kicks off with the topic of customer experience.

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User experience is the key to a satisfied customer. Unfortunately, providing a budget for this ‘key’ always seems to be too big a hurdle for managers who are interested in numbers. I would therefore like to present some UX KPIs (User Experience Key Performance Indicators) here that show, based on numbers, how UX can be measured and what these key figures reveal. This may convince more number fans to invest in UX in the future.

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28.01.2021 By Eva-Maria Kynast

UX design for projects without a UX designer

Picture Eva-Maria Kynast

Not every project has a UX designer. The requirements engineer is often asked to perform a kind of dual role – ‘they can do that little bit of UX as well, no problem’. I’d like to use this post to expand your UX horizons a little to help you understand the basics and possibly highlight a few important points to consider when designing software solutions.

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