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adesso BLOG
18.07.2024 By Kim Wesche
New Sales Intelligence: More business in sales, service, marketing & e-commerce with AI
How can artificial intelligence (AI) not only be used to make processes more efficient and intelligent, but also to transform SAP CX solutions into sales and service assistants and marketing futurists? In my blog post, I answer this question and show you the potential that AI still offers in the SAP CX environment.
Read more23.11.2022 By Stefanie Grzenia
Digital commerce in the automotive sector: identifying and implementing visionary digital distribution models
To succeed in the digital era, car manufacturers need to reinvent themselves and develop new capabilities. Companies that collect and evaluate data centrally and, above all, know how and where to use it have an important head start. In this blog post, I explain various trends and future topics in the automotive industry and describe how visionary digital sales models can be identified and implemented with the aid of digital commerce.
Read more13.08.2021 By Florian Klinke
Improved sales management with the SAP Sales Cloud
With its software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, the SAP Sales Cloud, SAP offers a cloud-based customer relationship management system that is supposed to improve the relationship between a company and its customers. I explain what this is all about in my blog post.
Read more04.05.2021 By Florian Petermann
‘Visions for insurance distribution – Inspired by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley’
Drawing on mega- and gigatrends as well as other methods, futurologists try to paint a picture of what the world might look like in the future. As we all know, novels and science fiction films or series often already do a pretty good job of giving us a good look at the world of tomorrow. But can insurance sales divisions glean useful information from this for the future? I think they can. Read this blog post to find out more about my thoughts on this topic.
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