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Microservice-based architectures are a current trend for transforming information systems. But how can these architectures be implemented? The most commonly used solution is Camunda's BPM engine. In my blog post, I show you how this solution also enables microservice choreography.

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28.01.2021 By Eva-Maria Kynast

UX design for projects without a UX designer

Picture Eva-Maria Kynast

Not every project has a UX designer. The requirements engineer is often asked to perform a kind of dual role – ‘they can do that little bit of UX as well, no problem’. I’d like to use this post to expand your UX horizons a little to help you understand the basics and possibly highlight a few important points to consider when designing software solutions.

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Inside adesso

‘Will a software project be completed on time?’ or ‘What costs will be incurred?’ - there are many situations in which estimates are made. However, regardless of the type of estimate, my conclusion will remain the same: I believe we should not make decisions in software projects based on estimates. There are better alternatives.

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Software Development

19.01.2021 By Tobias Deininger

Data protection in software development

Picture Tobias Deininger

Does the issue of data protection always give you a headache? Us developers are confronted with huge challenges time and again, especially when we’re only made aware of the requirements for the software we have to develop late on in the development phase. In the first part of my ‘Data protection in software development’ series, I would like to introduce you to the principle of privacy by design.

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14.01.2021 By René Schönfelder

Agility needs diversity

Picture René Schönfelder

Diversity plays a crucial role in meeting complex and ever-changing challenges. In my blog post, I use a simplified model to explain what this means and how agile practices help a diverse team solve complex problems.

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