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In a rapidly changing environment, where needs, markets and technologies are changing at an ever-increasing pace, it is important not to lose focus and to adapt to the speed of these changes. This jungle can be described using the acronym VUCA – which is short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity. In this blog post, we will explain exactly what this means and how to escape the VUCA world.

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Agility is no longer a foreign concept nowadays. Insurance companies have to be flexible and agile now, with their tried and tested business models standing in the way of this. What are the hurdles that arise when these two worlds collide? I will be answering this very question in the following blog post.

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02.01.2023 By Jenny Gursch and Markus Felkel

Agile scaling and the challenges that come with it


Scrum, which is the best-known framework, promises to pave the way to agility if used correctly. The aim of this blog post is not to explain or define Scrum. Instead, we will be taking a closer look at the requirements and the challenges when it comes to agile scaling that need to be overcome to get a majority of a company’s staff on board.

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It is not only the choice of method that teams use to embark on the journey to an agile working environment that plays a critical role in its success. The success or failure of many agile transformations is often down to a mysterious force in the company that is repeatedly addressed but the impact of which is regularly underestimated – the corporate culture. This blog post will explain how it can influence agility.

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22.11.2022 By Katrin Kugelmann and Gonca Cun

Compliance needs a mindset, not a pamphlet


Although agile project methods are now increasingly spreading out of software development into a wide range of business areas, compliance departments and compliance projects are usually neglected in the agile transformation. With that in mind, I would like to use my blog post to explore the question of whether compliance departments and projects can benefit from agile methods and approaches that involve an iterative and transparent approach.

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No Scrum values, no successful application. The Scrum Guide leaves us with many uncertainties. We have to find a solution ourselves using the values and framework. However, applying Scrum successfully depends on whether people are able to live out the five Scrum values. In my blog post, I will show you why this is important.

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We have learned from a wide range of projects that in agile transformations the question always arises as to the state of an organisation’s agile efforts. In order to be able to answer this and many other questions concerning the topic of agility in a company together with our customers, a working group from adesso’s ‘Agile’ Community of Practice has developed an interactive format for tracking agile teams and organisations – adesso’s Agile Assessment. In my blog post, I will highlight this format’s added value and the approach it takes as well as provide an outlook on how the agile transformation can be supported in organised way.

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As soon as ‘agility’ becomes a topic within companies, the Scrum framework also enters the conversation. This framework is easy to understand and quick to implement, but difficult to put into practice. For success, we need a specific inner attitude. Behaving in a way that adds value and exemplifies the Scrum values builds trust. Our attitude of trust in the cause and people gives us the ability to shape our success.

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In previous blog posts (see below), we provided the essential facts about agile software development. Agility can help us solve complex problems, especially when operationalisation is not done in a dogmatic way. Today, we will be looking at the interplay between agility and ambidexterity.

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