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Large language models (LLMs) such as Aleph Alpha or OpenAI are shaking up the world. ChatGPT has sparked discussions about AI. While AI models make life easier, they also pose new challenges. However, not only can we use LLMs to gather information, but we can also use them to make decisions for us and ask them for help. But how reliable is this technology and would we trust it with a human life? I will answer these questions in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

09.05.2023 By Peter Fey

AI-optimised B2B marketing

Picture Peter Fey

Sooner or later, AI models will also be more successful in B2B than manually created and optimised campaigns. But it will be important to feed the AI well and prepare it for its task. In my blog post, I will explain whether AI-based campaign models in social advertising make B2B as easy as B2C or not.

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I would like to use this blog post to introduce you to the key buzzwords and concepts that are essential for navigating the field of artificial intelligence (AI). You will learn more about topics such as neural nets, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, transfer learning and much more. The aim of this post is to briefly explain the most important concepts you need to take a quick trip into the world of AI.

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17.04.2023 By Marc Mezger and Hong Chen

A brief introduction to GPT-4


In this blog post, we will introduce OpenAI’s latest stroke of genius: GPT-4, the latest and most advanced version of the generative pre-trained transformer language model. With the ability to process both image and text inputs and produce human-like text output, GPT-4 demonstrates human-level performance at various professional and academic benchmarks. Its enhanced reasoning, knowledge storage and coding capabilities make the application a powerful tool for natural language processing tasks. You will find out more about the development and use of this cutting-edge technology in our blog post.

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The hype surrounding AI language models shows no signs of slowing – large language models in particular, such as ChatGPT, are the talk of the town. But which models are there, and what is the status of their development and commercialisation? With my blog post, I would like to provide a rough guide to the jungle that is large AI language models.

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Software Development

Python is a sophisticated, general-purpose programming language widely used in a variety of fields such as data science, machine learning, web development and automation. The simplicity of the syntax and the fact it is easy to learn make Python an ideal language for both beginners and experienced developers. In this blog post, I will take a look at the language’s areas of application and its characteristics, as well as provide an outlook on its future.

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01.03.2023 By Andreas Helfenstein

The monkey, the railroad, and responsible AI

Picture Andreas Helfenstein

The EU AI act will bring regulation to the Wild West of Artificial intelligence and impact how you use AI in your organization. Read what that means and how you can prepare for the changes already today.

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Imagine the following scenario: manufacturing companies see the suppliers’ stock levels in the system and can say exactly when the delivery will be made, and bottlenecks no longer exist because the required amounts of product have been (re)ordered with the help of predictive monitoring. This will be possible in the future – namely with a self-driving supply chain. I will present this concept in more detail in my blog post.

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In my blog post, I will take a brief look back at the major topics from the world of AI in 2022. These include ChatGPT, the question of whether AIs have consciousness and the European Union’s AI Act. I will discuss some of the main highlights and take a look ahead to 2023.

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