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While navigating through the energy crisis, having access to reasonable electricity demand forecasts is essential for everyone who wants to help flatten consumption peaks and decrease their energy costs. In this blog post, I explain how I developed a deep learning model to make short-term predictions about Finnish electricity consumption.

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25.01.2023 By Janina Radschibajev

AI and creativity – Quo Vadis

Picture Janina Radschibajev

Recent developments show that artificial intelligence (AI) can produce amazing results. Today, we see new tools almost daily that aim to do just that: To create things. Where the journey is going and what impact the use of AI has on the creative industry, I show in my blog post.

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In this blog post, I would like to introduce computer vision, one of the most important disciplines for artificial intelligence. I will give you an introduction on the topic of computer vision with AI and present important subdisciplines and a few exemplary use cases.

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The need for optimisation exists in every industry and in almost all process steps. This blog post will use a Christmas-themed example to explain how prescriptive analytics can reveal optimisation potential and how these challenges can be overcome.

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12.12.2022 By Tim Strohschneider

Artificial intelligence continues to gain ground

Picture Tim Strohschneider

The demand for innovative AI-based transformer models is hard to ignore. Great advancements in development have been made in recent years, especially in areas such as machine translation and speech and text recognition. This blog post will describe how transformer technologies are used in language models.

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29.09.2022 By Lilian Do Khac

Trustworthy AI – user-centred requirements

Picture Lilian Do Khac

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) at a company can lead to increased complexity as well as the greater potential

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23.09.2022 By Marc Mezger

A brief introduction to explainable AI

Picture Marc Mezger

In my blog post, I will be exploring the topic of explainable AI in more detail and demonstrating why this technology will be critical for the acceptance of machine and deep learning applications and to the future as well.

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After taking a bird’s eye view of the holistic framework of trustworthy AI in the first blog post of this series, I would now like to delve deeper into the topic. In this blog post, I will take a look at the core requirement in the trustworthy AI field, namely ‘trust’. I will also elaborate on aspects regarding the division of labour between humans and machines.

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Artificial intelligence is set to transform our lives. The task of UX design is to strengthen trust in AI-driven software and, above all else, increase our quality of life in the future. The following blog post explores key questions and describes the best methods to find solutions to them.

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